

A widget that builds on Flutter's interactivity foundation to provide a pressable area with customizable style and behavior.

It is designed as a flexible and style-friendly alternative to the traditional GestureDetector widgets.

With PressableBox, you can apply visual changes when user interactions like pressing or focusing occur, and integrate these seamlessly into your styled components.


To use PressableBox, simply wrap your widget with it and specify the interaction callbacks you're interested in, along with any styles you wish to apply:

  style: Style(
  onPress: () => print('Pressed!'),
  child: StyledText('Press Me'),

In the example above, the PressableBox will apply a blue background color to the child StyledText by default, and a red background color when the user presses on it (and a green background color when the user hovers over it, if the platform supports it). The onPress callback will also be invoked when the user presses on the PressableBox.

Enabled and Disabled

Both Pressable and PressableBox have the parameter enabled that allows you to enable or disable the widget. When the widget is disabled, it will not trigger any interaction and the styles defined in the $on.disabled will be applied.

Interaction States

PressableBox integrates with various context variant utilities that apply styles based on different widget states and gestures. Here are a few of the interaction states and their corresponding styling hooks:

  • $ Styles applied when the widget is being pressed.
  • $on.longPress: Styles applied when the widget is being long-pressed.
  • $on.disabled: Styles applied when the widget is disabled and therefore non-interactive.
  • $on.enabled: Styles applied when the widget is enabled and interactive.
  • $on.focus: Styles applied when the widget gains focus.
  • $on.hover: Styles applied when a pointer has hovered over a widget.

Interaction events

All the interaction states have corresponding callbacks that can be used to handle the interaction events, you can do this throught the method event. For example:

  style: Style(
    $on.hover.event((e) {
      if (e!.position.x > 0) {
        return Style(
      return Style(
  onPress: () => print('Pressed!'),
  child: StyledText('Press Me'),

Using the event method in hover, you can access the PointerEvent and apply styles based on the event. The same can be done for the other interaction states as well. The only difference is that the parameter of the every method varies depending on the interaction state.

  • $ Function(bool)): It is triggered when the widget is being pressed
  • $on.longPress.event(Style Function(bool)): It is triggered when the widget is being long-pressed.
  • $on.disabled.event(Style Function(bool)): It is triggered when the widget change its state to disabled.
  • $on.enabled.event(Style Function(bool)): It is triggered when the widget change its state to enabled.
  • $on.focus.event(Style Function(bool)): It is triggered when the widget gains focus or loses focus.
  • $on.hover.event(Style Function(PointerPosition?)): It is triggered when the mouse pointer is over the widget.